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Preparing for Pregnancy & Birth: Top 10 Tips

1. Don't panic. You've got this... Your body knows what to do. Birth is a primal instinct.  Primal = Innate = A Power Within Us. Our animal brain will kick in and know what to do.

2. Choose or Change Your Provider to one who is in alignment WITH YOU... not one YOU have to bend to their policies.  A provider can be nice, have been your provider FOREVER, you feel bad leaving... all not reasons to stay

3. Get familiar with the facility "policies" so you know where you need to place your focus and energy when advocating for yourself.  "Standard" policy and procedure don't always follow the most up to date, evidence based research, is out of date, irrelevant, or simply not in alignment with you... and that's ok. You do you (and keep reading!)

4. Know Your Rights... as a human. As a pregnant person.  As a patient.  Informed Consent also includes informed refusal. Educate yourself on benefits, risks, and alternatives... Policy is not law and you are allowed to accept or refuse ANYTHING YOU WANT.

5. Build Your Support Team.  Your provider will not be with you for most of your labor.  Who will be supporting you in the moments in between?  How do you want to be supported? How will your team's energy impact you?  Are they a good fit?  Is your partner prepared for the task?  Consider hiring a doula for you, and also partner support.

6. Don't Forget to Prepare the MIND!  Pregnancy can be so much fun... having a shower, receiving gifts, decorating the nursery... Don't forget to do some mental and emotional housekeeping.  Birth is highly physical, yet mostly a mental challenge, above all.  Unblock emotions, reframe fear and anxiety NOW.  You don't want unresolved emotions coming through during one of the most intense journey's of your life. Check out my PREP program for emotional processing prenatally and postpartum

7.  Educate Yourself.  Take a childbirth education class that goes beyond "how to be a good patient," that teaches you about your body, the process, what to expect physically, mentally, emotionally, birth planning, coping & comfort, preparing for postpartum, breastfeeding, and more! Check out my educational options HERE

8.  Surround yourself with POSITIVE birth stories and support. Watch natural birth videos (this also helps unblock emotions and prepare mentally), read positive stories, practice mindfulness and relaxation throughout pregnancy, take care of YOU- massage, chiropractor, acupuncture, yoga, meditation, affirmations. Check out FREE birth affirmation downloads HERE

9. Don't be afraid to set Boundaries for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.  This is a sacred, special time, whether it's your first or beyond... You're allowed to protect your space when everyone suddenly becomes an expert about YOUR experience.  When other's try to tell you their horror story, a simple "I'd love to hear about your experience and support you in any way. I'd also prefer to hear about it after I go through my experience, so I can stay in the proper mindset.  Thank you!"  When people invite themselves over postpartum, "We are not receiving visitors for the first (how may days) as we adjust to this big life change.  If you'd like to leave food, gifts, notes, at the door, we appreciate your thoughtfulness and will be in touch when we are ready. Thank you for your understanding!"

10. GET EXCITED!  It is my mission as a doula, to get families excited about birth again... Fear is contraindicated in birth, and actually inhibits this beautiful, natural process.  It is my wish for you that you feel empowered, in control, at peace, excited, powerful, strong, and MAGICAL during this process.  We are the strongest we ever will be when we are growing a human.  My favorite quote sums it up:

"The female being has been chosen by the Creator to be a portal between the spiritual realm and this physical realm. The only force on Earth powerful enough to navigate unborn spirits onto this planet"

Great Buffalo and surrounding areas of WNY


Kind Words

Melissa sets a tone that is comfortable and nurturing, all before she drops her knowledge and skill into the mix. Her demeanor, her attention and her focus is second to none. She is compassionate, curious and holds one accountable to their goals. She asks the right questions and keeps the path flexible yet still moving forward. Working with Melissa, I discovered ways to slow down and take more time to understand the why behind my desire to act. She helped open my mind and heart to adopting new processes that are in better alignment with who I want to be."

~ Amy P,  Life Coaching Client

Kind Words

I had never worked with a life coach before and I immediately saw the benefits. If I’m being truly honest, working with a life coach has been more productive than mental health counseling. That is not to say MHC is not important. This is only true for me and wouldn’t necessarily be the case for anyone else. I like having things to actively work on. I need to feel productive, that I am moving forward. Life coaching gets right to it. Melissa is very skilled at holding you accountable in the most non threatening way. She is firm but loving. She is wonderful at holding space AND challenging your beliefs. She keeps you focused and redirects you to get back on the path that leads to your desired destination. I can’t speak more highly of Melissa. She is an emerging star in this field!"

~ Lisa B, Life Coaching Client

Kind Words

"I'm just in awe at how empowered I felt! I really loved that I had guidance from Melissa ahead of time to prepare myself mentally because that was a huge component  to the positive outcome I had.  Those key principles we worked through to eliminate fear, tension, control have actually been super helpful during postpartum life.  I'm so thankful to know how to manage that!"

~Erica C., First Time Mom/ Doula Client

Kind Words

"If I didn't have these weekly classes I don't know how I would have made it through this pregnancy.  It literally saved my emotional and mental health!  Melissa's techniques, mantras, and overall kindness helped me in so many ways and I cannot begin to properly thank her  As a first time mom to be, no one can ever prepare you for the up and down emotional and mental rollercoaster you can experience. This class, the other mamas, and Melissa provided support that I didn't even know I would need, but am so thankful I found.  I know that physically and mentally I'm more prepared for labor and birth than without this class.  (Update: The doctor and labor & delivery nurses give Melissa a BIG THANK YOU- they said they were impressed with how calm I was able to be, and how focused my breathing was!)"

~Remy M., First Time Mom, Yoga Student

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