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Birth Support Investments

Basic Level $1500
2 childbirth education visits
15 hours of labor support
1 postpartum visit

Uplevel $1700

2 childbirth education visits
2 emotional coaching visits or calls
(can be used prenatal or postpartum)
15 hours of labor support
1 postpartum visit

Next Level $1900
1 massage
2 childbirth education visits
4 emotional coaching visits or calls

(can be used prenatal or postpartum)
15 hours of labor support
1 postpartum visit

Add Ons:
Induction Massage- $100

PREP: Emotional Processing Coaching, 1:1 (in person or virtual)
(2 included in Uplevel Package. 4 included in Next Level Package)
Single visit- $100
4 pack- $400
8 pack- $800
(PREP can be added to packages or utilized on it's own if you're choosing not to have a doula)
(Learn more about PREP HERE)


Great Buffalo and surrounding areas of WNY


Kind Words

Melissa sets a tone that is comfortable and nurturing, all before she drops her knowledge and skill into the mix. Her demeanor, her attention and her focus is second to none. She is compassionate, curious and holds one accountable to their goals. She asks the right questions and keeps the path flexible yet still moving forward. Working with Melissa, I discovered ways to slow down and take more time to understand the why behind my desire to act. She helped open my mind and heart to adopting new processes that are in better alignment with who I want to be."

~ Amy P,  Life Coaching Client

Kind Words

I had never worked with a life coach before and I immediately saw the benefits. If I’m being truly honest, working with a life coach has been more productive than mental health counseling. That is not to say MHC is not important. This is only true for me and wouldn’t necessarily be the case for anyone else. I like having things to actively work on. I need to feel productive, that I am moving forward. Life coaching gets right to it. Melissa is very skilled at holding you accountable in the most non threatening way. She is firm but loving. She is wonderful at holding space AND challenging your beliefs. She keeps you focused and redirects you to get back on the path that leads to your desired destination. I can’t speak more highly of Melissa. She is an emerging star in this field!"

~ Lisa B, Life Coaching Client

Kind Words

"I'm just in awe at how empowered I felt! I really loved that I had guidance from Melissa ahead of time to prepare myself mentally because that was a huge component  to the positive outcome I had.  Those key principles we worked through to eliminate fear, tension, control have actually been super helpful during postpartum life.  I'm so thankful to know how to manage that!"

~Erica C., First Time Mom/ Doula Client

Kind Words

"If I didn't have these weekly classes I don't know how I would have made it through this pregnancy.  It literally saved my emotional and mental health!  Melissa's techniques, mantras, and overall kindness helped me in so many ways and I cannot begin to properly thank her  As a first time mom to be, no one can ever prepare you for the up and down emotional and mental rollercoaster you can experience. This class, the other mamas, and Melissa provided support that I didn't even know I would need, but am so thankful I found.  I know that physically and mentally I'm more prepared for labor and birth than without this class.  (Update: The doctor and labor & delivery nurses give Melissa a BIG THANK YOU- they said they were impressed with how calm I was able to be, and how focused my breathing was!)"

~Remy M., First Time Mom, Yoga Student

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