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Birth Support Investments
Basic Level $1500
2 childbirth education visits
15 hours of labor support
1 postpartum visit
Uplevel $1700
2 childbirth education visits
2 emotional coaching visits or calls
(can be used prenatal or postpartum)
15 hours of labor support
1 postpartum visit
Next Level $1900
1 massage
2 childbirth education visits
4 emotional coaching visits or calls
(can be used prenatal or postpartum)
15 hours of labor support
1 postpartum visit
Add Ons:
Induction Massage- $100
PREP: Emotional Processing Coaching, 1:1 (in person or virtual)
(2 included in Uplevel Package. 4 included in Next Level Package)
Single visit- $100
4 pack- $400
8 pack- $800
(PREP can be added to packages or utilized on it's own if you're choosing not to have a doula)
(Learn more about PREP HERE)
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